Thursday, 27 January 2011

Final photo's and video

Here are the final 5 photo's I have selected for the Crankahead competition plus the video. I hope you like it.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Aww man!

I just read on Facebook that Tom Haney is entering a piece into the Crankahead competition.

I don't stand a chance.

final countdown

I am so close to finishing. The anticipation is getting too much!

My room is so messy.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Nearly there

The Crankahead model is nearly completed. It is just a case of finishing off the mechanism (about 90%) complete and dressing up the model (also about 90%) complete. 

The organiser of the competition has advised that I can post the pictures on this blog as long as he can copy them to his website so that all contestants can see the results. This goes for the video too. 

I've enjoyed the contest but my room is a tip. I can't wait to be back in my workshop as the weather is getting better. The trouble is, there is currently a leak in the workshop and this has caused damp which has affected some of my wood which has gone mouldy (including the frame for the Turtle and the Hand model).

New year, new problems.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Random idea

Crankahead progress

It's really frustrating not being able to post pictures of my progress on this blog of the model I am making for the Crankahead competition, but it is coming together. I am frankly amazed that the mechanism is working as well as it is. I am using some of the green belt I bought for some pulleys which will drive the mechanism.

It is currently in its prototype phase and should be finished soon after a bit of tweaking. Then it's a case if making a nice looking model with some decent wood and a bit of trim and polish.

Onward and upward i go.